What is First Aid?
We everybody should have to now first aid and golden rules in our life. In fact, What is “First Aid”? There are many definitions. First aid refers to the use of the surroundings on the spot, in the event of an accident or illness, until the physician’s assistance is sought, to save the life of the affected person, as well as to prevent or exacerbate the danger or illness.
Who is First Aider?
“First-Aider”, it refers to a person who is well-versed and trained in first-aid work helps a person or community affected by an accident or illness. It is a great meritorious act to save lives. The first thought that comes to anyone who wants to be a first-aider is vital to saving the lives of the victim or group.
Being a First Aider..
First aid is simple. So be determined to be the first aider. If you intend to be a first-aider, first look at the following.
-Identify the circumstances before taking action to calm down.
-Reassure the victim.
-Build trust.
-Be sure to provide first aid at the scene of the accident as much as possible, so that illness or injury can worsen due to unnecessary movement.
-The affected person should be evacuated only when it is deemed necessary to provide comfort. Then make the removal as it is very useful.
-Check the injured person is safe from vehicles, fire and water.
-Be alert for breathing, bleeding and trauma.
-Seek help from others. Tell them what not to do.
-Do not touch any injured body parts. Get aid to stabilize them.
-If necessary, seek help to turn the affected person into the right or left side.
-Do not insert anything into the mouth of the unconscious person.
-Notify the police immediately in case of any serious accident or suspicion.
-Advice to call for vehicles or ambulances as needed.
-Sometimes, mark the spot where the victim fell, as this may be important for police investigations.
-Inform the nature of the accident.
-Be sure only to practice first aid methods that you have learned.
The Aim of First Aid
The main purpose of this is the victim
-Saving the lives
-Reduce pain
-Taking action to prevent the situation to be worsening.
Attributes of first aider
First-aider should be unselfish and, as far as possible, practice the following.
He or she must be able to find out the causes of the accident or illness.
Being a sensible person, aware of the history and symptoms of an accident or ailment, gaining the attention and confidence of the victim and those around him.
Being able to control the situation in a way that is no longer harmful
Being a competent person who can handle the situation without causing unnecessary pain.
Must be able to make clear decisions about handling a situation and providing first aid
Good understanding of the procedure to be followed in the treatment of victims
Being able to continue the work, initially not showing success while continuing first aid.
Being able to build trust in living while providing encouragement and relief to those who are suffering from an accident or illness.
The Golden Rules of the First Aid
The following are the 10 most important things that first-aiders should know best. These are known as the Golden Rules to follow when giving first aid.
Understand the environment
Be aware of what is happening around you, the nature of the environment and your limitations.
Do things first
Do what needs to be done quietly, promptly without hesitation.
Build trust
Work with interest and confidence to seek help from the victim and those around you who are unconscious.
Start artificial respiration
When breathing is impaired, give artificial respiration immediately to refresh the process.
Avoid bleeding
Prevent proper bleeding by following proper procedures.
Protect against trauma
Take special care when dealing with trauma. Stabilize fractures, stab wounds, and gently manipulate the victim.
Avoid unnecessary clothing
Do not remove unwanted victim’s clothing. Do not harm privacy.
Eliminate the assembled
Make it easy for first-aid and clean-air crews to move in or out.
Only do what is necessary
Do what is necessary to save lives and prevent the worsening of the situation.
Arrange to leave
Take care of the affected person to be taken to medical care or the caretaker.
First Aid Procedure
This consists of three components
It is important to find out the cause, or causes, of the victims before providing first aid. In this task, it is also known as the diagnosis, which makes it possible to make a temporary diagnosis by learning about the history of the disease and examining the image of the affected person.
Patient history
The type of accident or illness that may have occurred has to be determined by the facts of the victim or by those in the vicinity, or by consideration of the surrounding environment.
What the victim says is mindful. In most cases, the affected person can say that there is fatigue, nausea, pain, coldness, and tremors.
Factors discovered and observed by the first aider are called characteristics. It is a white mane, itchy, swollen, distorted, and painful on the touch or not.
In providing first aid, the survivor must work to save the life of the victim, to alleviate pain, or to control the situation. In this case, the first aider should take care of the need for painkillers, artificial respiration, stop bleeding, bandages if broken, trauma, burns, poison treatment, etc.
In dealing with this, the following points should be considered.
The victim;
If necessary, remove him or them from the accident’s site to a comfortable place.
That the doctor was not checked at the scene of the accident.
Dispatch to nearest relatives or a suitable hospital
If possible, send an appropriate message to the nearest relatives or guardians.
Taking care of valuables and handing over the money to the nearest relatives or the police properly.
If there is suspicion that the deceased is dead, continue the treatment until the medical aid is already available.
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