10 Simple ways to lose your weight

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

It is observed that overweight and obesity have become a common problem due to the sedentary lifestyle in the world society. However, weight gain is a risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Also, weight gain can cause symptoms such as fatigue in daily work, loss of energy to work, difficulty in breathing, difficulty in sleeping, sleep apnea, and pain in joints. We are all anxious to experiment with different ways to lose weight and maintain body shape, even if it is very busy. Therefore, this article gives you 10 simple ways to lose your weight.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

There are few important things that any person should know when thinking of losing weight. Our body needs energy to survive. Just as a ship needs fuel to proceed. This energy is used to maintain the body as well as the work and exercise we do on a daily basis. While this energy is ingested by us externally as food, it is sometimes produced by the body itself when there is insufficient energy to be taken externally. That energy is called “calories”. Age, weight, gender, and self-efficacy are factors that influence a person’s energy needs.

Burning calories

It is believed that food was not often available during the hunting era, thousands of years ago. Therefore, energy began to be stored in this way for reuse when needed. Obesity is caused by the extra food we eat today. If we do not have enough energy on a daily basis, we can use the stored fat to produce energy. That is the basic principle we use to lose weight. We need to exercise and burn fat to reduce the amount of energy needed to sustain the body on a daily basis by reducing food intake. The important thing we need to know here is how many calories to burn and how many calories to burn through exercise to lose weight.

Here, we need to burn 3,500 Cal to reduce 500 grams of body fat. Weight loss is recommended as 0.5 kg – 1 kg per week. Exercising by consuming less than 3500 to 7000 calories of energy can reduce this weight. To lose 0.5 kg per week, 500 calories per day should be reduced by diet or exercise. It is best to know the calories in the foods we eat in general.

In order to burn calories through exercise (to burn a hundred calories)

  • Twenty minutes of brisk walking,
  • Ten minutes of running at speed of 5mph,
  • Fifteen minutes of swimming,
  • Fifteen minutes of cycling at speed of 10 mph

You will now understand how hard it is to lose weight through exercise alone. It is not practical. Therefore, you can achieve successful results by understanding both diet and exercise. First and foremost, study the person’s pattern and sensitivity to a diet and exercise program for that person.

Thus, in order to lose weight, self-interest and commitment must come from within. Even if you think you are thin because other people are fat, it is very difficult to do it if you do not want to do it by yourself. In doing so, it is important to learn to calculate the weight for your height. Calculate body mass index by measuring height and weight and first calculate the range in which your BMI value falls.

      BMI = Weight in Kg/Height in m2


10 Simple ways to lose your weight

Recent medical studies have shown that if your BMI is normal, but your abdomen is protruding, you are at higher risk for developing noncommunicable diseases in the future. The risk of developing diseases of the internal organs of the body, such as the heart, is higher when the abdomen is protruding from the placenta. This is called visceral fat.

When it comes to losing weight, you must first have a goal. First, set your goal to lose ten percent of your weight in 3 to 4 months.

What are the good health habits to follow to lose weight?

It can be seen that different diet recipes for rapid weight loss come time to time. You must be aware of this which comes under different names (Keto diet, Paleo diet etc.). These foods are commonly called fad diet. That is, the diet recipe for weight loss in a short period of time with too much interest and some diets make you fast for most of the day. These foods are not very healthy because they reduce the amount of calories given to the body. This is because of the fact that they reduce the amount of nutrients our body needs. The body becomes malnourished. In addition, the body lacks essential nutrients specially some Vitamins. Therefore, even if you lose weight, the potential damage increases.

Some diets increase the acidity of the stomach. Then diseases like gastritis occur. Moreover, it is practically impossible to make such diets on a daily basis. Because of this, the failure rate increases. And after a short time, it gets even bigger. Eating is something that everyone in the family should do while having a happy conversation. This is an important part of family life.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

1.         Healthy Plate Model

One of the most proven ways to lose weight with medical research is to share a Healthy Plate Model as follows.

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Change your dishes as follows. Divide your meal into four portions. Complete one-fourth of the meal with flour, one-fourth with protein, and one-half on a plate with flour-free vegetables and greens. When eating out, eat vegetables first. Reduce starchy foods as much as possible.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

2.         Limit sweets and desserts.

You may be someone who always enjoys sweets or enjoys sweets when you feel stressed or tired. Limit sweets at home. Bring more fruits instead. When thinking of a sweet treat, eat some fruit. If you do this for two weeks, you may find that your appetite for sweets decreases.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

3.         Eat three main meals daily.

Even if you think that skipping the main meal will help you lose weight, think for a moment that when you take it after the missed meal, you will take more because of hunger. Therefore, take the above explanation a healthy plate model for meals.

4.         Limit oily foods.

Fat-free milk is ideal. Cut down on coconut milk, coconut milk and other oily foods. Instead of deep-fried foods, eat low-fat foods. Equipment such as air fryer can be used in food preparation.

5.         Make a healthy food substitute when taking supplements.

Limit your intake of junk food such as rolls and patties. Banana is a high calorie fruit. May be unsuitable for excessive consumption.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

6.         Drink more water

You should drink at least six glasses of water a day. Keep a separate measured bottle of water for this purpose and drink that amount daily.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

7.         Exercise

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. Start slowly at the beginning and gradually increase. If you live a busy life and do not have time to exercise, put an app on your cell phone that can measure the number of feet you walk. Walk at least ten thousand feet a day.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

8.         Give up the following bad habits

Eating while watching TV.

Drinking sweets soft drinks while eating.

Eating leftovers after feeding children.

9.         Take a weighbridge to weigh yourself at home.

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

10 Simple ways to lose your weight

10.       Alcohol, like beer, is high in calories. Avoid taking them.

Add these healthy habits to your life. Make your family environment that follows the right eating habits. This can become a part of your life when everyone at work or at home follows healthy eating habits. By following these tips, you can easily get an active body weight that suits your height. It will definitely enhance your beauty. Also, starting a healthy lifestyle will keep your family healthy.

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